Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Date with myself

So here I was, travelling to Kolkata and Mumbai and back home. After having a few drinks with Sarraf I thought I’ll stay awake to catch my flight, but luckily I fell asleep and had some rest. The first day in Mumbai was a little too hectic. The only rest I got was in the morning on my way to Mumbai. After that had a day of running around in Mumbai to get some work done at the last hour. The insane crowd insured that I didn’t get a date for my exam in June, so now all I can do is to hope that I get it in July. After a long time I bought some books and felt just like old days going through them. “Many Lives Many Masters” was a good read but with very few new things. Anyways since it was Rohit’s recommendation I had go through it. And I am posting this blog taking my time out of reading “The Kite Runner”.
Apart from re-uniting me with my habit of spending time with books, this journey kept me away from most of the things that kept me occupied and gave me a good time to spend just with me. The debate with me, about myself was something I hadn’t in a long time. And the wait was worth it. Went through days and years from past, it was like reading pages from my diary. Remembered the good times and so did the tough ones. It reminded me of my lines:
Memory is what?
It is also a kind of magic. It makes you relive the events that happened to you.
Its like time travel, you can slow the time, go back, watch the things that happened, and you can come back. B
ut, the only problem is like you can’t really change things that have already happened, like u can do that theoretically in a time travel.
Not that I wanted to or want to change anything but reliving those moments certainly helps in analysis sometimes. 
The good thing about tough times (there is no time as BAD time) is that they let us know with whom we are going to spend the good times when they return and sure they will, as they have always.


rohit said...

books and you!!! and ppl famously said vinit never studies!!!

vinit said...

u know na, sometimes people can be so ignorant of facts so obvious. Hehehehe