Sunday, February 19, 2012


Y'day night's dream (I hope it's not some kind of premonition):
I'm about to die and have been granted one last wish. One thing in my life I've never been away from is Friends. Never. Even when I was far off thousands of miles away at least one of them has always been there. So, my instant reply was for permission to bring at least one friend along with me? Till this it was going smooth. Sound sleep.But then the tension of 'whom to pick' woke me up.
Those whom I love make my moments memorable but how can I wish for their death just so to have a nice time. Those who are not good company have also not done something that bad to deserve double punishment. First to die and then to get bored with me.
Cursed Love !!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Return

My brother is home. So guess what the WWE season is on. With nothing to do I sometimes sit with him to watch few episodes. 'The wrestler' movie has a big push in driving me back to WWE. After reading an article on current captaincy scenario in cricket Australia as ponting is returning at helm ahead of David Warner right now I'm watching the return of "The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels.
HHH is in the ring to welcome him . What they are conversing on the stage is awesome. Doesnt matter scripted or not. Its like the time when a wild friend returns to wild and finds his best friend now all changed. HHH refused to fight The Undertaker. So for HBK now he is a coward. Still, wild HBK can't understand what is going through HHH's head. HHH tells him that by refusing to fight he is keeping the bussiness alive and for HBK its something he just cant understand. The ring was their life. They are what they are because of what they did in the ring but now HHH is content to give up that life. HBK just cant fathom how is he managing to do that. to give it up all. Never thought on a WWE stage I will see such tussle. Ah! the never ending war between 'giving up you Life' to have a secured life.
If one dosen't bother going into the debate who will win if they fight, what tribute HHH pays to The Undertaker. The undertaker is business because people love him and keeping his aura alive is his job now. But whats worrying him more is that defeating Undertaker will mean an end to an era. The era where men fought like men. His era. HBK's era.
In other sports/entertainments I followed also, in almost everything, an era is coming to an end.